Archive for the 'DNAs of global culture' Category

Visualizing Cultural Patterns

Friday, May 23rd, 2008



Jeremy Douglass and Lev Manovich present interface design for Cultural Analytics Research Environment running on HiperWall, UCI, May 23, 2004.
Interface graphics: Bob and Sergie (UCSD Visual Arts Department).
Photos by Anne Helmond. More photos on Flickr.

Me and three other researchers from UCSD have been awarded Interdisciplinary Collaboratory Grant from UCSD Chancellor office to begin working on a project Visualizing Cultural Patterns. The following researchers are involved in the project:

Lev Manovich (Visual Arts);
Noah Wardrip-Fruin (Communication);
Falko Kuester (Calit2 and Structural Engineering);
Jim Hollan (Cognitive Science).

Project summary:

Digitization of media collections, the development of Web 2.0 and the rapid growth of social media have created unique opportunities to studying social and cultural processes in new ways. For the first time in human history, we have access to large amounts of data about people’s cultural behavior and preferences as well as cultural assets themselves in digital form. A growing number of researchers have already started to take advantage of these opportunities. We propose to extend this work in new directions by taking advantage of the unique combination of expertise by members of our team, which come from the departments of Visual Arts, Communication, Cognitive Science, and Structural Engineering.

Project description:
