Archive for March, 2008

Mexico city - a megacity from above

Saturday, March 29th, 2008

“A characteristic issue of megacities is the difficulty in defining their outer limits and accurately estimating the population.”
Wikipedia: Megacity
, accessed March 28, 2008.






From a flat world to an inverted world - part 1

Wednesday, March 26th, 2008

world map from SAS in-flight magazine, Fall 2007

If you were to ask in 2000, in what cities did I get most intelligent and challenging questions after a lecture, my answer would be London and Berlin. This was to be expected. But then things started to change - rather quickly. The intellectual pyramid of the world started to get flat. If were to ask me again the same question in 2004, my answer would be Hong Kong. I was there for 2 weeks in September of 2004 giving a number of my lectures, and the questions i got after every lecture were simply amazing. I had a feeling that people understood my ideas better than I understood them myself, and every question would send into a delightful t